The story of the "Yom Tov deli" began in Turkey in a neighborhood called "Kulhadibi", in 1947. Grandpa Yom Tov Levy set up the first deli with his father-in-law. 22 years later (in 1969) the deli was in vogue in Turkey, but Grandpa Yom Tov decided to copy the deli and immigrate to Eretz Israel. After an in-depth examination, he identified the most respectable place to copy the deli and decided to establish the "Yom Tov" deli in the famous and unique "Lewinsky" market, in its atmosphere, smells and quality. A few years later, the late Moshe Chaim Levy met his son and continues through him, a woman full of happiness and joy in the name of joy. They got married and gave birth to two children who today continue the character of Grandpa Yom Tov and at the same time open the window to new flavors.